Deionized Water
Deionization (or demineralization) simply means the removal of ions. Ions are electrically charged atoms or molecules found in water that has either a net negative or positive charge. For many applications that use water as a rinse or ingredient, these ions are considered impurities and must be removed from the water.
Ions with a positive charge are called “Cations” and ions with a negative charge are called “Anions”. Ion exchange resins are used to exchange non-desirable cations and anions with hydrogen and hydroxyl, respectively, forming pure water (H20), which is not an ion.
Our Purified water is at a rate of 20,000 H20 particulates per 1 impurity, thats 99.99995% pure, clean, H2O.
PRO WASH SOLAR contracted with PureTec Industrial Water and gives them 5-Star services! Highly recomended! Please let your PurTec Client representative know that you were refered to PureTec from PRO WASH SOLAR.
Culligan is also an excellent industrial and residential water purification company.