Solar Panel Maintenance

The Importance of Solar Panel Cleaning Maintenance

Air pollutants, especially dust and particulate matter are estimated to reduce solar power generation by as high as 60% in the regions of high concentrations. The Central Valley is considered a region of high concentration due to dust and air particulate matter (dust, pollen, ash and pollutantes). 

The Central Valley of California is The Dust Bowl of America; solar maintenance makes a big difference. Water conservation matters in the Central Valley Area. 

Research conducted by Duke University in collaboration with The Indian Institute of Technology concluded that without regular cleaning 'air pollutants, especially dust, air polutiontants and particulate matter, are estimated to reduce solar power generation by as high as 40% - 60% in the regions of their high concentrations', like the California Central Valley area. On avaerage Californians lose 30% of their solar energy production. 

Tap water contains minerals and particulates that cause damage to solar panels over time and can leave mineral residue, reducing the longevity of your solar panel system. PRO WASH SOLAR purifies and dionizes water onsite.

Cleaning solar panels with purified de-ionized water reduces mineral deposits which increases the longentivity of the solar panel and increases its electrical production to peak efficiency. This increasing the return on investment in solar energy. 

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